09 August 2015

Questions Paranormal Investigators Hear . . . .

How much do you charge?

Nothing. Our services are free. We do this because we want to help our clients and also to learn more about the paranormal. Our goal is to help people understand what is and isn't paranormal and to put their minds at ease.

How accurate are those paranormal reality TV shows?

In my opinion, not very accurate. Some of those shows exaggerate claims of paranormal activity. About 90 to 95 percent of cases are actually normal activity misidentified as something paranormal. Environmental issues or even structural issues surround the house can cause people to feel that they're experiencing paranormal activity. Even things such as medication use can contribute to the situation.

A good paranormal investigator looks for any and all answers. Not all things are paranormal.

Also, if there is paranormal activity, it's rarely negative. Unlike what you see on many paranormal reality TV shows, "demonic" or "negative" activity is rare. No one has ever been killed by a ghost -- only in those movies does something like that happen.

What you see on those shows is done solely for entertainment.

Yes. Some of the things presented on those shows are staged.

What about psychics?

First off, no "psychic" has ever solved a crime. The FBI and Scotland Yard have no records of anything like that. Only in books and movies does something like that happen.

Some groups use "sensitives." A sensitive might get impressions on things in the area. Impressions or feelings. Those impressions might corroborate the client's claims . . . or not.

There can be a case when you have two sensitives in the same area and get two separate interpretations.

I've worked with the best sensitives in the field. People like them are of a rare caliber.

Sensitives are helpful. However, not always necessary to an investigation.

How do you prepare for an investigation?

After being contacted by a prospective client, a preliminary interview and investigation is conducted. It gives us the chance to meet the client and gives the client a chance to get to know. It also gives the investigators a chance to check out the property and assess things for a possible investigation. After that meeting, a formal investigation is set up, with a date set that is agreeable to both the investigators and the client.

Before the investigation, investigators will do some historical research, check for seismic activity, even checked space weather websites for increased electromagnetic activity in the area. Those things can factor into an investigation.

During the actual investigation, the investigators will come in and set up their equipment and start the process. We do not ask the clients to leave their home during the investigation. It is the client's home and we feel that the clients need to be a part of the investigation.

We set up video recording equipment. Digital voice recorders. We do sweets with the electromagnetic field detectors. We go over the notes about the client's claims of paranormal activity and attempt to replicate them. We look for possible natural answers for claims of the paranormal. Again, many things occur naturally that can be easily mistaken for paranormal activity.

After the investigation, the data is analyzed and we take it from there.

If you do find something paranormal, how do you resolve it?

There are things we can research and do what can help. It's a case by case situation and it depends on what is going on.

Do you respect the clients privacy?

Yes. We have confidentiality agreements and other release forms for clients to sign.

If the clients do not wish us to post photographs of the investigation, then we will not.

I hope this helps out. This is just a sample of questions I have heard over the years. I'm always open to talking to people about what I do.

As I said before, I've spent a number of years working with members of American Paranormal Investigations and now Medford Paranormal Investigations. We've helped a number of people over the years and I'm looking forward to helping many more in the future.

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